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For a film from the team of Tyrone Power and Edmund Goulding: Nightmare Alley (1947) is unusual in that film noir, at this time, was essentially thought of as 'B' movie material. Yet this one gets top billing and a big budget. It is a dark tale of sociopathic obsession in the tacky world of sideshows and carnivals: a new-comer becomes fixated on a mind-reading act and determines to steal it and take it up-market.

  • Date:12/05/2024 17:30 - 12/05/2024 20:00
  • Location Dean Lane, Southville, Bristol, UK (Map)


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Classic Film Club @ SouthBank  
SECOND Sunday of each month (usually)5.30 for 6.00pm screening.
SouthBank Arts Cafe and Bar,
Dean Lane, Southville, Bristol.
Club Members FREE
Guest Membership £3.